"I have chosen to be happy, it's good for my health."
~ Voltaire

"I have chosen to be happy, it's good for my health."
~ Voltaire

About me

During my many years as a business consultant, the call to help others to achieve a better quality of life brought me closer to yoga, naturopathic treatments and TCM.

I completed a program to become a certified yoga teacher back in 2015. Back then a colleague of mine and I did yoga after work with the help of a video. I had already practiced yoga for a while, so I felt confident during the training session, but I was afraid my colleague would injure herself, since she didn't have any practice. This served as one of my main motivations and was also the starting point of me becoming a yoga teacher, so I could guide and help her and others if needed.

Afterwards, vocational trainings as alternative healing practitioner and a TCM diploma at the AGTCM, with acupuncture as the main focus area, followed among others.

I love to learn and develop myself further. And I feel very happy, when I can help my patients and fellow human beings to achieve a better quality of life.

Trainings (excerpt)

  • 2024: Facial acupuncture and face lifting | Advanced cosmetic acupuncture
  • 2024: Scalp acupuncture - method from Dr. Jiao
  • 2024: Cosmetic acupuncture
  • 2022: Participation at TCM Congress Rothenburg
  • 2022: Certified Prof. Agile Coaching
  • 2019 - 2021: Vocational training in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at ABZ Mitte, including 216 hours of clinical supervision
    The lesson covered the following topics
    • Philosophical foundations / Yin - Yang
    • Channel doctrine / Point categories
    • Point localisation
    • Change phase theory / self-awareness
    • Diagnostics, including tongue and pulse diagnostics
    • Zang-Fu-Syndrome doctrine
    • Energetic effect of the acupuncture points
    • Point combinations
    • Moxibustion / cupping / gua sha
    • Stitch techniques - theory and practice
    • Introduction into Tuina
    • 6-layer-, 4-tier-Model, triple-warmer-Model
    • The eight extraordinary channels
    • Differentiation of Western disease patterns according to criteria of Chinese Medicine
    • Case briefings
    • Chinese dietetics
    • Qi Gong
    • Training practice with clinical supervision
  • 2020: Certified first responder training (B2) from Johanniter
  • 2019: Alternative Health Practitioner-Certificate
  • 2019: Acupuncture A-Diplom
  • 2019: Foundation courses 1 & 2, Acupuncture in pain therapy, Treatment concepts including ear acupuncture / microsystems, Acupuncture for internal diseases, Acupuncture deepening, Examination and case seminars (6 from 6 acupuncture courses for the A-Diplom and for the additional designation at CAN – Colleg Akupunktur und Naturheilkunde)
  • 2018: Practical seminar exam preparation + injections at ABIS in Hamburg
  • 2018: autohaemotherapy (Paracelsus-Seminar)
  • 2017 - 2018 vocational training as Reiki Master at Colegio Mexicano Usui Reiki Ryoho in Mexico-City
  • 2016 - 2019: telecourse alternative healing practitioner - preparation for the official medical examination at the ILS
  • 2016: Coaching (Harvard)
  • 2016: Basic seminar CORE for instructors/trainers
  • 2015 - 2016: Hatha-Yoga teacher training (300 UE) at Die Glücksbringer GbR in Würzburg
  • 2001-2008: Course of studies: Industrial Engineering at the Technical University Karlsruhe.
    Degree: Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management


Veronica Lopez Diaz

Rotebühlstr. 84/1
D-70178 Stuttgart

